

Insurance Info

Learn About Private Plans vs Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)

Private Insurance Plan

We offer direct billing to most insurance plans.  We are unable to pre-determine your coverage amount for eye examinations and eyewear. We recommend consulting with your insurance provider before your visit to determine the amount of vision benefit coverage.

Some insurance plans reimburse plan holders only, meaning you may still be required to pay for the eye examinations fees at your visit, and your plan will reimburse you by direct deposit within two days, on average.

Insurance Plans That We Accept:

(Ontario Health Insurance Plan)

As of September 1, 2023, OHIP eligibility for eye exams has changed for some individuals. For more information and to see if you qualify, please visit: https://ohipupdates.ca/

OHIP covers eye examinations WITHOUT retinal imaging for the following individuals:

  • Children (0-19)
    • One (1) full eye exam per year, follow-up eye exams as needed, excluding myopia control visits
  • Adults (20-64) with diabetes or a qualifying progressive eye condition
    • One (1) full eye exam per 12 months, and two (2) follow-up visits per 12 months
  • Seniors (65+)
    • One (1) full eye exam per 18 months, and two (2) follow-up visits per 18 months


    • One (1) full eye exam per 12 months and two (2) follow-up visits per 12 months if the individual has diabetes or a qualifying progressive eye condition

*Please note: The use of routine retinal imaging has become the standard of care and therefore is strongly recommended for everyone at every visit, to provide you with the highest level of eye care and aid in earlier eye disease detection. These fees are paid for by the patient and are often covered by private insurance plans.

Services Offered But NOT Covered Under OHIP

Myopia control management

Dry eye assessment and treatment procedure

All forms of anterior and posterior segment imaging, including but not limited to: retinal imaging, optical coherence tomography


Screening visual fields

Services by virtual means, including telephone, video or text

Foreign body removal

Eyelash epilation

Travel expenses incurred to provide services outside of the usual geographic area of practice